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CAS Standards

The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) was established to drive various profession-wide initiatives, placing a significant focus on formulating and disseminating professional standards. CAS is dedicated to fostering the enhancement of programs and services to elevate the caliber of student learning and development.

Comprising 43 professional associations, CAS operates as a consortium committed to crafting and advocating for professional standards to enhance the development, evaluation, and enhancement of quality student learning, programs, and services. ASCA has played an active role within CAS since 1990 and has contributed liaisons to its board of directors. In support of ASCA members' professional pursuits, we offer access to CAS Standards and Guidelines exclusively to active ASCA members.

If you have any additional questions about how you might be able to practically use CAS materials to support your work in student conduct, please contact

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